Swedish technology can reduce data center energy consumption by 25%

By Klas Moreau, Friday 11 November 2022

ZeroPoint Technologies AB today announced that they provide a technology that can reduce the data center energy consumption by 25%. The digital transformation continues to grow its share of the global energy consumption. In 2020 servers consumed 1-2% of the electricity produced, in 2030 the ICT (Information and Communications Technology) sector is projected to account for more than one-fifth of the worldwide energy consumption. 100 new hyperscale data centers were brought online in 2021, bringing the global total to 700. More than 300 are in the pipeline for launch by 2024 which will push the worldwide total to over 1000. Maximizing performance per watt in servers is critical to breaking this negative trend.

 ZeroPoint’s technology can drastically increase the energy efficiency of servers, delivering up to 50% more performance per watt by removing unnecessary information from the memory, this means that data centers can maximize performance and reduce energy consumption.

 "ZeroPoint Technologies’ vision is to enable high performance servers that are environmentally friendly. Memory bottlenecks are a tremendous challenge for semiconductor developers, and we mitigate this challenge by doubling main memory capacity and memory bandwidth. Systems with ZeroPoint technology are environmentally friendly and financially effective. By putting unused memory to work we can deliver up to 50% more performance per watt. And this is the single most important metric to high performance servers.”, says ZeroPoint Technologies CEO Klas Moreau.

 A typical server memory contains up to 70% unnecessary information. ZeroPoint technology removes all that waste by combining ultra-fast data compression with real-time data compaction and transparent memory management. Integrating these three areas into one solution for maximizing performance per watt makes ZeroPoint unique. ZeroPoint’s IP block is easy to integrate with existing industry standard on-chip-bus-protocols.

About ZeroPoint Technologies AB

ZeroPoint Technologies is a spinout from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, and has over the years developed an impressive IP Portfolio in the memory compression domain. Their patented compression technology is based on 15 years of research. The company was founded by Professor Per Stenström and Angelos Arelakis PhD, with the vision to deliver the most efficient memory compression available, in real-time, based on state-of-the-art research. Today the company works with industry leaders on product implementation projects and technical evaluations.

For further information contact
Klas Moreau, CEO at +46-725-268101

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